
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
P. Abbot, al., et, Helanterä, H., al., et, Kokko, H., al., et, Pamilo, P., al., et, Sundström, L., al., et2011 Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality
K. Bargum, Boomsma, J. J., Sundström, L.2004A genetic component to size in queens of the ant, Formica truncorum
K. Bargum, Helanterä, H., Sundström, L.2007Genetic population structure, queen supersedure and social polymorphism in a social Hymenoptera.
K. Bargum, Sundström L.2007Multiple breeders, breeder shifts and inclusive fitness returns in an ant.
J. Beresford, Elias, M., Pluckrose, L., Sundström, L., Butlin, R. K., Pamilo, P., Kulumni, J.2017Widespread hybridization within mound‐building wood ants in Southern Finland results in cytonuclear mismatches and potential for sex‐specific hybrid breakdown
J. J. Boomsma, Nielsen, J., Sundström, L., Oldham, N. J., Tentschert, J., Petersen, H. C., Morgan, E. D.2003 Informational constraints on optimal sex allocation in ants.
J. J. Boomsma, Sundström L.1998Patterns of paternity skew in Formica ants
W. D. Brown, Keller, L., Sundström, L.2002Sex allocation in mound-building ants: The roles of resources and queen replenishment.
S. Cahan, Blumstein, D. L., Sundström, L., Liebig, J., Griffin, A.2002Social trajectories: a unifying approach to understanding social evolution.
M. Chapuisat, Sundström, L., Keller, L.1997Sex ratio regulation: the economics of fratricide in ants.
A. Chernenko, Helanterä, H., Sundström, L.2012 Colony kin structure and queen recruitment in the ant Formica fusca (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).
A. Chernenko, Helanterä, H., Sundström, L.2011Egg recognition and social parasitism in Formica ants.
A. Chernenko, Holman, L., undefined, Sundström, L.2012Cuticular chemistry of males and females in the ant Formica fusca
K. Dhaygude, Nair, A., Johansson, H., Wurm, Y., Sundström, L.2018The first draft genomes of the ant Formica exsecta, and its Wolbachia endosymbiont reveal extensive gene transfer from endosymbiont to host.
K. Dhaygude, Trontti, K., Paviala, J., Morandin, C., Wheat, C., Sundström, L., Helanterä, H.2017Transcriptome sequencing reveals high isoform diversity in the ant Formica exsecta.
T. Domisch, Finér, L., Ohashi, M., Risch, A. C., Sundström, L., Niemelä, P., Jurgensen, M. F.2006Contribution of red wood ant mounds to forest floor CO efflux in boreal coniferous forests
M. F. Dornisch, Neuvonen, S., Sundström, L., Punttila, P., Finér, L., Kilpeläinen, J.2011Sources of variation in the incidence of ant–aphid mutualism in boreal forests
T. Dornisch, Ohashi, M., Finér, L., Risch, A. C., Sundström, L., Kilpeläinen, J., Niemelä, P.2011 Decomposition of organic matter and nutrient mineralisation in wood ant (Formica rufa group) mounds in boreal coniferous forests of different age
M. Elias, Rosengren, R., Sundström, L.2005Seasonal polydomy and unicoloniality in a polygynous population of the ant Formica truncorum.
W. Fortelius, Pamilo, P., Rosengren, R., Sundström, L.1987Male size dimorphism and alternative reproductive tactics in Formica exsecta ants (Hymenoptera;Formicidae).
S. Fuchs, Sundström, L., Bos, N., Stucki, D., Freitak, D.2018Induced immune responses in Formica fusca (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
M. Hannonen, Helanterä, H., Sundström, L.2004Habitat age, breeding structure and kinship in the ant Formica fusca
M. Hannonen, Sledge, M., Turillazzi, S., Sundström, L.2002Queen reproduction, chemical signalling and worker behaviour in polygyne colonies of the ant Formica fusca.
M. Hannonen, Sundström L.2003Worker nepotism in a polygynous ant
M. Hannonen, Sundström L.2003Reproductive sharing among queens in the ant Formica fusca
M. Hannonen, Sundström L.2002Proximate determinants of reproductive skew in polygyne colonies of the ant Formica fusca
H. Helanterä, Sundström L.2007 Worker policing and nest mate recognition in the ant Formica fusca.
H. Helanterä, Sundström L.2007Worker reproduction in Formica ants
H. Helanterä, Sundström L.2005Worker egg laying and worker policing in the ant Formica fusca.
H. Johansson, Dhaygude, K., Lindström, S., Helanterä, H., Sundström, L., Trontti, K.2013A metatranscriptomic approach to the identification of microbiota associated with the ant Formica exsecta
H. Johansson, Seppä, P., Helanterä, H., Trontti, K., Sundström, L.2018Weak population structure in the ant Formica fusca
C. A. Johnson, Sundström L.2012Cuticular chemistry oft wo social forms in a facultatively polygyne ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formica truncorum).
C. A. Johnson, Sundström, L., Billen, J.2005Development of alary muscles in single- and multiple-queen populations of the wood ant Formica truncorum
L. Keller, Chapuisat, M., Sundström, L.1997 Male reproductive success: paternity contribution to queens and workers in Formica ants
L. Keller, Liautard, C., Reuter, M., Brown, W. D., Chapuisat, M., Sundström, L.2001 Sex ratio and Wolbachia infection in the ant Formica exsecta.
J. Kilpeläinen, Finér, L., Neuvonen, S., Niemelä, P., Dornisch, T., Risch, A. C., Jurgensen, M. F., Ohashi, M., Sundström, L.2009Does the mutualism between wood ants (Formica rufa group) and Cinara aphids affect Norway spruce growth?
J. Kilpeläinen, Finér, L., Niemelä, P., Dornisch, T., Neuvonen, S., Ohashi, M., Risch, A. C., Sundström, L.2007Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics of ant mounds (Formica rufa group) in managed boreal forests of different successional stages.
J. Kilpeläinen, Punttila, P., Sundström, L., Niemelä, P., Finér, L.2005Forest stand structure, site type and distribution of ant mounds in boreal forests in Finland in the 1950s
C. Liautard, Sundström L.2005Estimation of individual level of inbreeding using relatedness measure in haplodiploids.
C. Haag-Liautard, Vitikainen, E., Keller, L., Sundström, L.2009Fitness and the level of homozygosity in a social insect.
S. Lindström, Rowe, O., Timonen, S., Sundström, L., Johansson, H.2018Trends in bacterial and fungal communities in ant nests observed with Terminal-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) techniques—validity and compatibility in ecological studies
S. J. Martin, Vitikainen, E., Shemilt, S., Drijfhout, F. P., Sundström, L.2013Sources of variation in cuticular hydrocarbons in the ant Formica exsecta
A. Moilanen, Sundström, L., edersen, J. S.2004Matesoft: a program for deducing parental genotypes and estimating mating system statistics in haplodiploid species
S. Neuvonen, Saikkonen, T., Sundström, L., Punttila, P., Risch, A. C., Dornisch, M. F., Niemelä, P., Kilpeläinen, J., Ohashi, P., Finér, L.2012Stand type is more important than red wood ant abundance for the structure of ground‐dwelling arthropod assemblages in managed boreal forests
M. Ohashi, Dornisch, T., Finér, L., Jurgensen, M. F., Sundström, L., Kilpeläinen, J., Risch, A. C., Niemelä, P.2012The effect of stand age on CO 2 efflux from wood ant (Formica rufa group) mounds in boreal forests
M. Ozan, Helanterä, H., Sundström, L.2013The value of oviposition timing, queen presence and kinship in a social insect.
P. Pamilo, Sundström, L., Fortelius, W., Rosengren, R.1994Diploid males and colony-level selection in Formica ants
P. Pamilo, Zhu, D., Fortelius, W., Rosengren, R., Seppä, P., Sundström, L.2005enetic mosaics in highly polydomous wood ants
U. Pulliainen, Helanterä, H., Sundström, L., Schultner, E.2019The possible role of ant larvae in the defence against social parasites
R. Rosengren, Sundström L.1987The foraging system of a red wood ant colony (Formica s. str.) – defending and collecting food through an extended phenotype.


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith