
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
R. J. Deslippe, Savolainen R.1995Sex investment in a social insect: the proximate role of food.
S. Koponen, Niemelä P.1995Ground-living arthropods along pollution gradient in boreal pine forest.
J. Kullberg1995 Herhiläisvaellus lounaissaaristossa loppukesällä 1992 (Hymenoptera, Vespidae).
P. Martikainen1995[Konowia betulae (Enslin) (Hymenoptera, Xiphydriidae)]
K. Mikkola, Nurminen, P., Pekkarinen, A., Pohjakallio, K.1995Yleisen ampiaisen (Vespula vulgaris) työläiset talven kynnykselle kepulikonstein.
P. Nuorteva1995Transfer of cadmium from ants to ant-lions
A. Pekkarinen1995Geographic variation and taxonomy of Dolichovespula species in the boreal zone of the Holarctic region (Hymenoptera, Vespinae)
A. Pekkarinen, Huldén L.1995 Sukkulamato Pheromermis pachysoma (von Linstow) (Nematoda, Mermithidae) löydetty Suomesta yhteiskunta-ampiaisesta
A. Pekkarinen, Huldén L.1995Distribution and phenology of the Vespinae and Polistinae species in eastern Fennoscandia (Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
I. Pohtio, Teräs I.1995Bumblebee visits to different colour morphs of Lu­pinus polyphyllus
M. I. Saaristo1995Distribution maps of the outdoor myrmicid ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Finland, with notes on their taxonomy and ecology.
P. Seppä, Pamilo P.1995Gene flow and population viscosity in Myrmica ants.
P. Seppä, Sundström, L., Punttila, P.1995Facultative polygyny and habitat succession in boreal ants
L. Sundström1995Sex allocation and colony maintenance in monogyne and polygyne colonies of Formica truncorum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae); The impact of kinship and mating structure.
L. Sundström1995Dispersal polymorphism and physiological condition of males and females in the ant Formica truncorum
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith