
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
S. Bank, Sann, M., Mayer, C., Meusemann, K., Donath, A., Podsiadlowski, L., Kozlov, A., Petersen, M., Krogmann, L., Meier, R., Rosa, P., Schmitt, T., Wurdack, M., Liu, S., Zhou, X., Misof, B., Peters, R. S., Niehuis, O.2017 Transcriptome and target DNA enrichment sequence data provide new insights into the phylogeny of vespid wasps (Hymenoptera: Aculeata: Vespidae).
T. Pauli, Castillo‐Cajas, R. F., Rosa, P., Kukowka, S., Berg, A., van den Berghe, E., Fornoff, F., Hopfenmüller, S., Niehuis, M., Peters, R. S., Staab, M., Strumia, F., Tischendorf, S., Schmitt, T., Niehuis, O.2018Phylogenetic analysis of cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) reveals a partially artificial classification at the genus level and a species‐rich clade of bee parasitoids
R. S. Peters, Niehuis, O., Gunkel, S., Bläser, M., Mayer, C., Podsiadlowski, L., Kozlov, A., Donath, A., van Noort, S., Liu, S., Zhou, X., Misof, X., Heraty, J., Krogmann, L.2017Transcriptome sequence-based phylogeny of chalcidoid wasps (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) reveals a history of rapid radiations, convergence, and evolutionary success
M. Sann, Niehuis, O., Peters, R. S., Mayer, C., Kozlov, A., Podsiadlowski, L., Blank, S. M., Meusemann, K., Misof, B., Bleidorn, C., Ohl, M.2018 Phylogenomic analysis of Apoidea sheds new light on the sister group of bees
J. Zhang, Lindsey, A. R. I., Peters, R. S., Heraty, J. M., Hopper, K. R., Werren, J. H., Martinson, E. O., Woolley, J. B., Yoder, M. J., Krogmann, L.2020 Conflicting signal in transcriptomic markers leads to a poorly resolved backbone phylogeny of chalcidoid wasps
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith