
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
E. Annila1975Eurytoma laricis Yano (Hym,. Eurytomidae) found in Finland in Larix seeds from the Novosibirsk region.
I. Jalas, Heikinheimo O.1975The summer excursion of the Entomological Society of Finland to island of Örö in 1971]
R. Jussila, Käpylä M.1975Obsevations on Townesia tenuiventris (Hlmgr.) (Hym., Ichneumonidae) and its hosts Chelostoma maxillosum (L.) (Hym., Megachilidae) and Trypoxylon figulus (L.) (Hym., Sphecidae).
J. Kaisila, Kangas E.1975[The summer excursion of the Entomological Society of Finland to Ilomantsi 29.VI.-5.VII.1972]
T. Kontuniemi1975[Sawflies (Hym., Symphyta) living on Ribes species]
T. Kontuniemi1975[Larva of Pristiphora testacea Jur. (Hym., Tenthredinidae)]
T. Kontuniemi1975Pseudoxiphydria betulae Ensl. (Hym., Symphyta Xiphydriidae)]
T. Kontuniemi1975[Abia sericea L. (Hym., Symphyta)]
T. Kontuniemi1975[Aprosthema bifurcata Klug (Hym., Argidae)]
T. Kontuniemi1975 [Ametastegia glabrata Fall. (Hym., Symphyta)]
M. Käpylä1975Records of rare species of bees (Hym., Apoidea) including a species new to Finland.
E. Lindqvist1975[Pteronidea melanochroa Lindq.. (Hym., Tenthredinidae)]
E. Lindqvist1975 [Pteronidea acuminata Lindq.. (Hym., Tenthredinidae)]
A. K. Merisuo1975Ein gynandromorphes Exemplar der Art Psenulus schencki (Tourn.) (Hym., Sphecoidea).
A. K. Merisuo, Käpylä M.1975Records of a rare ant species, Camponotus vagus Rog. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).
E. Peltonen1975[Cimbex luteus L. (Hym., Symphyta, Cimbidae)]
E. Peltonen1975[Pristiphora subarctica Forsl. (Hym., Symphyta) as a pest of spruce]
E. Thuneberg1975[Tremex fuscicornis Fabr. (Hym., Siricidae) in Joutseno].
M. Viitasaari1975Epeoloides coecutiens F. (Hym., Anthophoridae) in Finland.
M. Viitasaari1975Notes on the occurrence of Philanthus triangulum F. (Hym., Sphecoidea, Philanthidae) in Finland.
M. Viitasaari1975 Notes on Acantholyda flaviceps (Retz.) (Hym., Pamphiliidae) in Eastern Fennoscandia
M. Viitasaari1975On the genera Janus Lepeletier and Calameuta Konow (Hymenoptera, Cephidae) in eastern Fennoscandia
M. Viitasaari1975[Two rare sawflies (Hym., Symphyta)].
V. Vikberg1975[Amauronematus longicauda Hellén (Hym., Symphyta)].
V. Vikberg1975Notes on some Nematine sawflies feeding on Larix (Hym., Tenthredinidae).
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith